Benefits of psychedelics to health. People use psychedelic drugs to personally attain a high state either in their abode, or to amplify the fun of a party or concert, that is when they are in a little gathering with friends musical concerts or, some cultural festivals
Now a study publish this week finds those drugs may keep the good vibes going even after the chemicals are wearing off.
Several past studies finds that in a laboratory setting, psychedelic drugs can help lessen anxiety, depression, or PTSD.
The authors of the new study set out to try to find out whether these benefits to mood and mental health hold true in the real world.
So, they went to places where people who use these drugs are likely to be: music festivals.Benefits of psychedelics to health.

After talking with more than 1,200 people at a half-dozen festivals, the researchers conclude that psychedelic drugs, such as LSD or “magic mushrooms,” left people feeling more socially connect and in a better mood, even after the drugs wear off.
These findings, the researchers says, confirm the previous laboratory research.
The new findings add to the evidence that psychedelics may hold some sort of clue to improving mood and possibly treating mental health issues.
However, it may be a while, if ever, before we can make the connection and put the drugs to such uses.
“Psychedelic research is still in its infancy,” Molly Crockett, PhD, the study’s senior author and an assistant professor of psychology at Yale University in Connecticut, told Healthline.
“Our study adds to a growing evidence base of potential mood benefits of psychedelics, but more research needs to be done to realize this potential,” she says.
What researchers discovered
To help understand that potential, Crockett and her colleagues wants to learn about the “afterglow” of psychedelics — how they affect someone after the drugs wear off but while the person is still in the same setting where they are being in use.
What they find is that, people who are taking the drugs in the recent past — especially those who has taken them within the past 24 hours — were more likely to report “transformative experiences.”
And these experiences were linked to feeling socially connect and being in a positive mood.
Crockett notes there are other studies that have survey people to try to understand how the drugs which affect mood months or years after they’ve use them.
But, she says, “to our knowledge, ours is the first study to survey people’s experiences with psychedelics in a naturalistic setting immediately after their use.”
Questions of accuracy
Even though the people survey would likely have fresher memories of the drugs’ effects than people survey later on, the fact researchers are asking people to self-report their own drug use and mood raises some questions.
What if they said the drugs had worn off long ago but actually hadn’t?
Or what if, to meet the expectations of a fun party environment. They said they felt a bit happier and more connect than they actually did?
Crockett acknowledges self-reporting was a “major limitation,”. But she said their “results are highly consistent with laboratory. Studies which had tight control over drug administration, which suggests our self-report data are valid.”
They also try to work around these potential issues by including survey. Questions that, Crockett says, “would be difficult to answer correctly while intoxicating,”. As well as excluding those who were clearly under the influence of drugs.
Interestingly, they found that other people survey at the festival — including . Those who were using other drugs, drinking alcohol, or abstaining from any substances. Didn’t report the same degree of transformative experiences, increased social connectedness, or positive mood.
Mental health issues
Crockett cautions the study couldn’t assess whether there were also negative effects to psychedelic use.
A 2013 studyTrusted Source find there wasn’t a significant link between mental health problems. And using psychedelics over the course of a lifetime, or even the past year.
Those researchers reporte that in several cases, the drugs were actually link to a lower rate of mental health problems.
Other research has find magic mushrooms may have various psychological benefits for some people. Benefits of psychedelics to health
In Crockett’s study, respondents weren’t ask about current or past mental health. But the possible link between mental health and psychedelics has been a hot topic for years.
Ketamine, sometimes known as “special K,” has been proven effective enough in treating depression in some people.
An antidepressant base on ketamine was approve by the Food and Drug Administration in March.
A 2018 study find psychedelics increase the number of connections between the brain’s neurons as well as other structural changes. The authors said those findings suggested. The drugs may be able to repair and rewire circuits, which could help mitigate mood and anxiety disorders.
Microdosing — regularly taking small doses of psychedelic drugs that are generally too low to produce a high. Has been touted as a cure for depression and anxiety by some proponents. Research on microdosing is still ongoing.
Various other research projects are ongoing to study how psychedelics. Affect the brain and whether they can be use to help. EXDople struggling with these disorders.HEALTHLINE CHALLENGESCut sugar from your diet without giving up what you love
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